Friday, September 11, 2009

Jung SuWon 83rd Testing Cycle and Master demos!

Click here

for photos of the latest JSW testing - 83rd Testing Cycle!! The Do Jung was packed for it. over 30 students tested for their next belt. Special guests included eastern europe royalty even! Below is the article from the Korean Comunity of San Francisco, or click on the above link!

정수원 승단시험 축제 ((Jung SuWon Martial Art Academy)

지난 9월5일 캘리포니아 프리몬 테크놀로지에 있는 정수원(사범 김태연)의 83번째를 맞이한 태권도 승단 시험에 30여명이 참가하여 그 동안 익힌 실력을 내외귀빈들에게 과시하며 실력을 평가 받았다.

정수원의 엄하고 가혹한 수련과정은 정신력을 강조하는 김태연 사범의 독특한 지도철학과 방법론의 산물이며 내공의 기를 강조하는 지도에 수련생들로 부터 절대적인 지지를 받고 있으며 안되면 되게 하는 특유의 정신 무장에 연약한 아이들의 손에서도 벽돌장이 부서지는 결과를 만들어 내고 있다.

재외동포신문, 한국타임즈, 한국건설경제신문사. UPI통신사. SFKorean 편집위원, 한국화보 정승덕 지사장

기사제보 문의: 408-892-1188, SEUNGC@SBCGLOBAL.NET

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Warrior! Express & grow!

I just learned something incredible this week in class with Great Grandmaster Dr Tae Yun Kim, at Jung SuWon - the power of ki up. All during my training I've had a small ki up - I never thought much of it. I recently had the opportunity to be in a class led by Great Grandmaster and to get to have Great Grandmaster give me the opportunity to change my ki up.

It was incredible. Several times Great Grandmaster had be ki up before running and kicking the bags --- suddenly I got a big ki up out and it felt so amazingly different - it felt really strong. It felt like a whole new me.

The next day that class stuck with me. And I found my voice too could be like the new ki up I'd uncovered -- strong, deeper, with conviction.

Before this I was always quiet and held myself back. Now I feel lit up inside - I want to express and share every change I can get to bring up and out my new voice and the new energy I feel inside. Great Grandmaster helped me uncover the real 'me' in me!

Thank you Great Grandmaster!
Jung Su!
Pil Seung!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Breaking Obstacles and limited beliefs at Jung SuWon

He Can Do, She Can Do, Why Not ME!!!!

This pictures is from a recent Jung SuWon Belt Ceremony. I never imagined I could do this!! Never in a thousand years! But with Great Grandmaster Dr Tae Yun Kim's energy and training -- Look at the result!

Jung Su!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Inspirational Life Story!!

This is one of my favorite videos! Great Grandmaster Dr Tae Yun Kim's life and her martial art, Jung Su Won, are so inspiring!

Click here!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Dr Tae Yun Kim's inspirational life story!!!

Check this video out --- Be inspired! A clip on Great Grandmaster Dr Kim's inspirational life story!

Click here!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Be Inspired!

Having a tough day?

Check out this inspirational clip! Makes my day every time I see it!

click here!

Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim's
energy and spirit, and the spirit of Jung SuWon will lighten/enlighten your day!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Break away obstacles! Never Give up! Be Inspired! Great Grandmaster Dr tae Yun Kim recently had a belt ceremony at Jung SuWon Martial Arts Academy and gave some of her black belts a chance to do just this!

Check out the following!! degree Black Belt Paul Newman) (Master Sarah Alex) Master Mark Amador) degree Black Belt Hope Winter)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hope in a down economy! KBS-America Captures Dr Kim's Spirit!

Great Grandmaster Dr Tae Yun Kim's story, life, and spirit bring hope and inspiration to every one!

Here's a new show that just aired that does an awesome job of capturing and showing Dr Kim's spirit! (click here)

He Can Do! She Can Do! Why Not Me!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The only obstacle is in your mind!

Watching testings and classes at Jung SuWon I've had the opportunity to witness feats that many would consider impossible or at best improbable... Great Grandmaster Dr. Tae Yun Kim, through her own example of overcoming a life where as a child she was beaten for born a girl on the Lunar New Years (a great curse in her family's mind and culture), that anything is possible if you set your mind to it and remain determined and dedicated. How else could Dr. Kim broken 5000 years of Tae Kwon Do history to (as a girl or woman) first train and then become the first female Grandmaster?

Here is a video of one of Dr Kims students - the world might see him and think he has a disability because as a child an accident with a friend and a gun left him now in a wheel chair, but he has demonstrated over and over again, through his training at Jung SuWon, that limitations are only in your mind. They can be overcome!

Click <here> to see this in action! And click <here> to see again the latest article on Dr Kim!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

This just out!! check out the awesome cover article on Great Grandmaster Dr Tae Yun Kim and Jung Suwon in TKD Times! I think its the best article ever!

click here:

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Happy New Years - again! Second chance!

Lunar New Years is just around the corner! At Jung SuWon Martial Arts Academy Great Grandmaster Dr Tae Yun Kim teaches this is a second chance to set goals for the year, or re-start those goals!

If you ever think you can not reach your goal(s), see this. Let this motivation you! Here's one Jung SuWon Black Belt who shoes you that you can overcome anything. (click here) Physical limits (or limits you think you have), even the after affects of polio, mean nothing if your goal means more to you!

You can do it!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Welcome to 2009!!! A new Jung Suwon Warrior Year!

Welcome to 2009!!

Feels like it was just 2000 ... and here its 9 years later! As time flies, and seems to go faster and faster each year, it emphasizes to me what Jung SuWon's Great Grandmaster Dr Tae Yun Kim has always taught, "Celebrate every breath!"

Here's a clip to ring in the new year!!