Friday, December 19, 2008

Proud to say "Merry Christmas!"

Christmas is almost here!
Merry Merry Christmas to you!

From training at Jung Su Won Martial Arts Academy under Great Grandmaster Dr Tae Yun Kim I've learned confidence to say what I believe in and what I feel. Unlike those who say 'Happy Holidays' out of fear of offending someone today, I am proud to say "Merry Christmas!"

Christmas is Christ's birthday - regardless of what you believe in, that does not change. So if you are Christian, or believe in Christ, or just believe in and want good for the world, proudly say, "Merry Christmas!"

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Jung SuWon builds Kids' confidence!

Jung SuWon Marital Arts Academy just had an awesome Christmas party! Part of the entertainment for the party was songs and dances by students. For one of the acts, two little girls, 6 years old stood up infront of the huge audience and performed a choreographed dance to a holiday song, dressed in matchng red and black outfits, reindeer antlers, and blinking red Rudolf noses.

They were so confident! They didn't appear to feel even a second of stage fright. They danced and smiled and had a great time. I think they got the biggest round of applause of the night!

Great Grandmaster Dr Tae Yun asked the audience afterwards, what were you doing at age 6?

I know I wasn't up in front of a audience singing and dancing - I was too shy. Looking back I would have loved to have trained at Jung SuWon as a kid -- the kids learn so much focus, how to set a goal and accomplish it, how to learn from their mistakes, self discipline, self confidence etc. The kids training at Jung Suwon have opportunities, like these two little girls did at the Christmas party, to develop the self confidence needed to speak, sing, and dance, in front of people. Things they can take with them their whole lives.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Day Thanks!

On Thanksgiving this year I want to recognize what I am most thankful for. It's too easy to let each day go by with out stopping and recognizing what is really important to me. In church yesterday the Priest, in his sermon, quoted hollywood stars' lists of things they were most thankful for, and he commented that none of them thanked someone (or the source) of all their things - God.

On my list of things I am most thankful for, and thankful to -

God - for giving me this life. And for all the family and friends I love.

Health - for God giving me good health and for giving my family and friends good health too.

My Parents -for raising me well and for giving me a safe, loved, secure, stable childhood that it often seems few kids today have.

Great Grandmaster Dr. Tae Yun Kim - for inspiring and motivating me that there is nothing that can not be overcome. Like Great Grandmaster's motto, "He can Do, she can do, why not me?"

Jung SuWon - for being an environment I can discover more about myself. Beyond just working out and feeling good from that, learning from others, my seniors, my juniors, even the Jung SuWon Kids