Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Jung SuWon Double Palm Heel Brick Breaks - Everyone Benefits!

At the end of a recent class led by Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim at Jung SuWon Martial Arts Academy, Great Grandmaster gave two students unexpected, unforseen opportunities to do some unique breaks.

To help demonstrate to students that besides being able to focus on one opponent, like in advanced su ki, students should be able to visualize and do su ki as if they were facing 2, 3 or more opponents, Great Grandmaster had two bricks set up, side by side, for a double palm heel break. The first student, a Jung SuWon black belt, was called up, stated his goal, focused on it, and broke both bricks, each brick with one palm heel, at the same time! It was really impressive!

But for me the next Black Belt's break, the same set up, was even more powerful.

He too stated his goal, ki upped loud, and struck the bricks --- but only the right hand one broke. He re-gathered himself, focused, kipped again and struck the bricks - but this time the left hand brick broke and the right did not. More energy, more focus --- third try the right one broke again, but the left did not. But this time, you can guess the energy bouncing back up his hands and arms with each miss, the mental tremble to keep going, the regathering of resolution he required.... Fourth try --- impressive ki up --- and just the left broke.

At this point 4 tries in... Great Grandmaster asked him if he wanted to stop or continue. With the determination of a warrior of old he strongly said he wanted to continue. You could see it re-wakened his determination. He WAS going to break this. Great Grandmaster also then spoke to everyone in class watching --- asked all to actualize the break in their minds. Not just visualize (see it) in their minds, but actualize it in their minds. Make it real in their minds.

Fifth try --- the black belt gathered his energy, let out a ki up that must have been heard aroudn the block, jumped up higher than the holding bricks and came down, striking, resolute --- and both lam heels, both bricks -- broke!!!

The cheers were deafening!

For me, watching, the first student's break had been impressive - he showed it could be done, but in a sense it was HIS break. The second student's break, because Great Grandmaster asked us all to really focus and actualize the break - felt like not just his break, but OUR break!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Jung SuWon Warrior - awesome ridge hand bottle break!

Check this out!! This is a great break --

(click here)

watch in slow motion that his hand actually slides off right after impact --- that means in that just second of perfect contact, he had the energy to make the bottom of this bottle explode!

I never would have imagined such a break could even be possible! That spirit, that focus, determination, self belief is totally from Jung SuWon training under Great Grandmaster Dr Tae Yun Kim!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jung SuWon Warrior Relationships - life training!

Martial Arts teach you many things -- physically how to kick and punch. How to put kicks and punches together to defend yourself or your loved ones. How to value yourself enough to defend yourself. How to learn how to learn anything - from a new kick to how to a new skill at work.

From my experience also, Martial Arts, in my case particularily Jung SuWon, as taught by Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim, is a foundation for better relationships and a better life - at work and at home.

Once example of a great warrior relationship - check this blog.

Jung SuWon teaches you to have a purpose and determination. Dont' be a lump on a log - have a direction you want in life!

Jung SuWon teaches you patience (Jung SuWon Code of ethics: "Seek patience in my ways") - all relationships benefit from patience. With co-workers, relatives, or your spouse or partner -- having patience and the empathy, care, concern for others behind it, goes a long way.

Jung SuWon teaches you to find the truth in your life (Code of ethics: "..So that I may discover the Truth about my strengths and weaknesses")

And Jung SuWon teaches you first to learn about your self. One of the code of ethics is, "I will learn to love myself." That sounds so basic, but for me I know it wasn't until I could really feel confident in my own skin, had learned to know and like myself, that I found real love with a wonderful partner. You have to learn to love yourself before you can truely love another.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Jung SuWon Warrior Relationship & Wedded bliss (part1)

Have you ever been to a Jung SuWon belt testing led by Great Grandmaster Dr Kim?

Do you remember the spirit and joy, laugher and happy tears you experienced watching testing? If you have and can - imagine how joyous and spirit filled a Jung SuWon warrior wedding day and reception was! :)

One of a Kind! Unique!

There were toasts, for instance --- but not just with wine... (the wine toasts were later, after the cake, and by the Best Man and Matron of Honor)... but by Black Belts dedicating breakings of boards and bricks!

And the Groom and Bride couldn't be left out!

Here are two unique clips -- the Groom, Grandmaster Michael Fell in his tuxedo, and the Bride, Holly Chamberlain, (that's me!) in her big white wedding dress with their breaks.

Like Great Grandmaster teaches --- any time, any where!

Jung SuWon Warrior Relationship - Love & Unity!

Jung SuWon Warrior - relationship and wedded warrior spirit bliss!

Click here for a cool video shown at the wedding reception Great Grandmaster Dr Tae Yun Kim gave Grandmaster Michael Fell and I on our wedding day. :)

And please see below - I thought this was so creative!
From a wedding card from a close friend and fellow Jung Suwon Black Belt:

My wish to you is a Jung SuWon "Code of Ethics of Life"
(see its basis, the Jung SuWon Code of Ethics)

Body, Mind, and Spirit as one together and with God.
Truth in your hearts each day.
Purity together on your new journey in life together.
Love for each other, for God, for Great Grandmaster, your families, friends and community,
and unconditional love for the world.
Loyalty to your marriage commitment, and to your life goals as individuals.
Sacrifice and unity, especially in hard times.
And Patience with each other as you grow together.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Black Belt Testing!! (revisiting clip)

I don't think I posted this yet --- click <here> to see part 1 of my Jung SuWon Black Belt Testing under Great Grandmaster Dr Tae Yun Kim - it was life changing for me!

And click <here> to see part2!! Note the 3 brick break about 4:13 in!!! I never thought before I could ever, ever do that!!

He Can Do, She Can Do! Why Not Me!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


What to choose, what to choose… what to choose?

http://jungsuwon-instructor.blogspot.com/2008/10/make-your-own-choices-be-owner-of-your.html or click here

I love this posting – everyday we all make thousands of little choices. What time am I getting up in the morning? What am I having for breakfast? What am I going to work on first at work? Etc.

Most choices may not have much of an inpact on my life. Having cereal instead of a donut for breakfast isn’t going to change the world for me today.

But in each of our choices we, maybe unknowingly, chose good or bad. A life of eating cereal for breakfast could keep my healthier than a life of eating a donut for breakfast…

A life of associating with good people, with good hearts, who want to help others and help bring more good about in the world, will have an impact on my life.

All your choices count, in some way. Chose the good always!! I think if you do, ultimately good will always come to you.

I can remember in Jung SuWon class Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim saying each of us are like antennas – Good and bad things are out there just like vibrations. And unknowingly we pick up them. I want my antennae to only be tuned into good things!

So so funny!

I laughed so hard at this, you just have to read it too!

Click here:

It’s the most creative description of acknowledging and learning from a mistake I’ve ever read! You just have to read it too!!!

(It doesn't matter if you have not heard of Jung SuWon before, Dr Tae Yun Kim's teachings are universal -- this student found that!)

Be a butterfly! Not a ground grubbing caterpillar!

Be a butterfly, not a Caterpillar!

Can you imagine? What if a caterpillar just didn’t turn into a butterfly? What if it said, that’s a lot of work, that’s scary, that’s not for me –


(Check this link out for additional links too to some inspirational stories.)

When I first heard Great Grandmaster Dr Tae Yun Kim comment, in Jung SuWon class, what if the caterpillar decided to just stay like a worm and not take the determination to change into being a butterfly, in Jung Suwon class, it made a real impression on me.

If a caterpillar didn’t take that great leap of trust and faith to change itself over completely to a beautiful winged creature, it would just be a ‘worm’ crawling around on the ground.

I remember that comment when every I face a challenge or a new change in my life – change can be scary, unknown, it can me I have to face my beliefs (likely false and limiting about myself) – but if I don’t trust, at least in God if I can’t believe in myself, and go for it, then I’m just letting myself be stuck in a caterpillar stage. J

Trust, have faith, and change like the caterpillar does to become a beautiful butterfly!!

Can Do NOW!!

Now’s the time! At JungSuWon, Great Grandmaster Dr Tae Yun Kim’s motto has always been “He Can Do, She Can Do, Why Not ME!” – recently and addendum to it is, Can Do NOW! (see here)

I love that! So many times I think I want to do X, or I will do X – but I give myself wiggle room, let myself weasel out and not set a date to accomplish something by. Since I heard it, “Can Do Now! Has been inspiriing me to hey – get off my butt and do it, set that goal! Make that plan! Give it a date! And do it now! Don’t wait! Take Action!

Listen to your Inner Words...

Here’s a thought for the day:
“Listen to your inner words. Frequently check to make sure you’re talking positively about yourself. If you find a monologue running that goes…I’ll never make it…I’m no good.. nobody wants me… I have nothing to offer… on and on .. then you need to consciously stop and consciously create new words. I am succeeding… My talent is valuable… what ever you need to say to help you on your way, not hinder you” The First Element, by Dr. Tae Yun Kim

Today I’m only going to tell myself positive things about myself. Today I’m not going to let myself put myself down.

...Yet even just writing that I find those at best-neutral if not negative thoughts I have about myself and what I can do, seem to just about always be there! :)

I remember Great Grandmaster Dr Tae Yun Kim teaching in Jung SuWon class, think about what you say in your mind about yourself to yourself every day--- If someone else said that out loud to you, you’d be really angry and upset – yet because its your thought in your head, you let yourself take it in.

So, today, I’m going to fight my thoughts and only let myself think good things about myself! Why don’t you try too?

20 Pounds of Emotions

Quote of the day:
“Because your body and mine are one, they are in intimate communication with each other. You can look at your body and gain insight into the quality of your thinking; and you can look at your thinking to determine how to shape and direct your body. Doesn’t a healthy tree produce healthy fruit? Just so, when your thoughts are healthy, your body reflects this condition. Conversely when you are ill, it may be helpful to examine the state of your mind or the state of your beliefs to locate the cause…” Seven Steps to Inner Power, by Dr Tae Yun Kim

This is just my personal experience – but at one point about 10 years ago I was about 20 pounds heavier than I am now. The weight crept on over about 2 years time. At the time it just seemed like nothing I could do would change it, that it was out of my control, but now, looking back I realize the weight wasn’t just physical weight. At that time I was going through a lot of emotions and bad relationships - all of that ended up literally reflected in my body.

When I finally started decided I didn’t like the weight and wanted to change it, I dieted and lost about half the weight. But the last 10 pounds just wouldn’t come off. It didn’t seem to matter how much I worked out (I go to classes at Jung SuWon), or tried to watch what I ate – the last 10 pounds wouldn’t budge.

Then one day, about a year later – I had a revelation about my emotions for the last few years (about the years I started to gain weight, where I was then). I felt like an emotional weight suddenly left me.

And then the last 10 pounds came off in the next month. I didn’t really change any thing that I was doing, didn’t work out more (I train at JungSuWon - its awesome!), I didn’t eat differently .. my mind had suddenly cleared and so my body then cleared the last extra weight!

So if you’re stuck with that last 5 pounds, or stuck with extra weight – maybe some of it is like what I saw in my life. Look at your life, how do you feel about it, what’s in it, what makes you happy, what causes you stress and emotion --- maybe working on losing that ‘weight’ in your life will help you physically too!

Real Love comes FROM you!

Here’s something to think about today:
“When you find real love in your life, you have a special feeling of happiness that is not dependent on anyone or anything in order to be. That’s because it comes FROM you, not TO you from outside sources” The Silent Master, by Dr Tae Yun Kim

Reading that today I thought, wow, there is so much in that short quote. Did someone ever tell you they loved you, but inside at that time you were stressed about something, or depressed about something, or unsettled or unhappy with your life over all? What did you feel back at that time? Stress? Love, but not joy? For myself, thinking back, I’d discount what that person said in a way. I just couldn’t take it in really. It would be like eating plastic or something indigestible – just couldn’t ‘digest’ that person’s love because I didn’t feel love inside myself, myself.

Real love, real happiness has to come from inside you first. It has to be your love, your ability to love, generated by you. Then any and all love that comes your way, you can take in.

Help Your Child - enroll them in JungSuWon classes!

All you parents of young kids out there, there is a positive website out there for your kids.

Just click here

I started training at Jung SuWon where I was 25 -- every time I come to JSW class early and see the kids and teenagers training I think, wow, I wish I'd started training when I was a kid or at least as a teenager. I was in 4-H from age 9-19. 4-H gave me an outlet to learn indepence and experience succeeding and failing (like if something won a blue ribbon at a fair, or did not), and learning from it, in a small setting -- but it wasn't a physical activity.

I would have so much benefited from Jung SuWon and learning from Great Grandmaster Dr Tae Yun Kim as a child! The kids in JSW kids class learn that they can face a challenge, like setting a goal and facing breaking a board, and then accomplish it! And they can face how do they overcome obstacles if they miss a break - how do they bring up their resolve and determination to try again --- and how sweet success feels when they they break it!

That's priceless!

Yea! Its November 1

Yea! Its November 1!!

I am so happy the Halloween is over! I think we should just do away that holiday, personally. Why have a holiday that's so negative and at best encourages our kids to beg and do bad things?

(See this posting) Let's bump up Christmas! Let's push up Thanksgiving! Let's have holidays that make us feel good and encourage good things! Let's work on every day being positive - there is enough stress in the world, and that comes at us - let's celebrate every living breath, like Dr. Tae Yun Kim (author of "Seven Steps to Inner Power" (my favorite book), and many other books) writes!

Stand your ground - Vote!

I listen to co-workers and friends comment, discuss, or at time argue over who should be the next president, or which propositions should pass or fail - with great passion and conviction often!

I was thinking today --- what if we each brought such passion and conviction to our own lives? Are you as passionate about your goals? Or do you get complacent? And act like your 'vote' in your life does not matter or make a difference?

I train in marital arts at Jung Su Won and one of the few people I have met who truly is passionate about life and her goals is our Great Grandmaster, Dr. Tae Yun Kim. She overcame incredible, near insurmountable personal challenges and later business challenges to become the first female Grandmaster in the history of Tae Kwon Do and the CEO and founder of multi-million dollar international companies. Dr. Kim could not have gotten to where she is today without being passionate about her goals and dreams - and then taking action and putting them into action. She put her 'vote' in in her life.

So in you are passionate about your views on candidates or propositions - Do your part - be a warrior - put your passion into action -- Vote!