Saturday, November 1, 2008

Help Your Child - enroll them in JungSuWon classes!

All you parents of young kids out there, there is a positive website out there for your kids.

Just click here

I started training at Jung SuWon where I was 25 -- every time I come to JSW class early and see the kids and teenagers training I think, wow, I wish I'd started training when I was a kid or at least as a teenager. I was in 4-H from age 9-19. 4-H gave me an outlet to learn indepence and experience succeeding and failing (like if something won a blue ribbon at a fair, or did not), and learning from it, in a small setting -- but it wasn't a physical activity.

I would have so much benefited from Jung SuWon and learning from Great Grandmaster Dr Tae Yun Kim as a child! The kids in JSW kids class learn that they can face a challenge, like setting a goal and facing breaking a board, and then accomplish it! And they can face how do they overcome obstacles if they miss a break - how do they bring up their resolve and determination to try again --- and how sweet success feels when they they break it!

That's priceless!

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