Saturday, November 1, 2008

Stand your ground - Vote!

I listen to co-workers and friends comment, discuss, or at time argue over who should be the next president, or which propositions should pass or fail - with great passion and conviction often!

I was thinking today --- what if we each brought such passion and conviction to our own lives? Are you as passionate about your goals? Or do you get complacent? And act like your 'vote' in your life does not matter or make a difference?

I train in marital arts at Jung Su Won and one of the few people I have met who truly is passionate about life and her goals is our Great Grandmaster, Dr. Tae Yun Kim. She overcame incredible, near insurmountable personal challenges and later business challenges to become the first female Grandmaster in the history of Tae Kwon Do and the CEO and founder of multi-million dollar international companies. Dr. Kim could not have gotten to where she is today without being passionate about her goals and dreams - and then taking action and putting them into action. She put her 'vote' in in her life.

So in you are passionate about your views on candidates or propositions - Do your part - be a warrior - put your passion into action -- Vote!

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